Apple books are popular for teachers to use in teaching students about science - especially during apple picking season. There is a wealth of across-the-curriculum teaching ideas & resources for teachers with activities for all grade levels at the educators’ site and at
Scholastic's Kid Lit Kit blog author Jeremy Brunaccioni posted a really nice review of Golden Delicious: A Cinderella Apple Story in his Picture Book Thursday "Harvest Time" edition. He also reviewed the book Corn by Gail Gibbons and The Best Gift of All which was written by Jonathan Emmett and illustrated by Vanessa Cabban.
The blog is about how teachers can teach with books. The review is about how teachers can use Golden Delicious in their classrooms and is as follows:
Golden Delicious: A Cinderella Apple Story
If you’ve ever read Michael Pollan’s The Botany of Desire and thought the apple information would be useful in the classroom but too advanced for your students, then this is the book you’ve been waiting for. It traces the discovery and distribution of the Golden Delicious. The author’s note is extensive and intriguing enough to make me want to plant some apple trees in my yard.
Purchase a selection of apples to have a taste testing and graph the results. Invite a neighboring class or two and compare their graph results. Bon appetit!
Thanks Kid Lit Kit!
There is a direct connection between writing poetry and writing the text of a picture book. In both, every word has to be perfect. In many respects, I think writing a novel is easier. There is so much more room in which to work! GOLDEN DELICIOUS: A CINDERELLA APPLE STORY made its official Grand Debut at the West Virginia Book Festival in our state capital of Charleston. I was delighted with the response. After my slide presentation, both the WV Book Company and Borders sold out of their copies! Recently I had the pleasure of doing a presentation on my new book, GOLDEN DELICIOUS: A CINDERELLA APPLE STORY at the Mary H. Weir Public Library in Weirton, WV. It was great to be back in my hometown where I also spent a day at St. Joseph the Worker Elementary School sharing my books with the students and doing a poetry workshop with the 8th Graders. The teachers went all out, wearing apple motif pins and vests, and the walls of the hallway were filled with delightful artwork done by students in response to my various books. There was even a delicious apple cake in the teacher's lounge. What a memorable school visit. Thank you St. Joe's! A month ago I received her delightful e-mail that said: The publisher of my book The Life of Saint Brigid (Appletree Press in Ireland) offers this information about the book: A new website dedicated to the Saint and Celtic Goddess Brigid (also known as St. Brighid) gave a lovely description of my book The Life of Saint Brigid. St. Brigid is perhaps best known for the crosses that bear her name and are hung in Irish households to protect against fire. Here I am with my brother and sister on the top of Bald Knob in Canaan Valley, West Virginia. We picked (and ate) wild blueberries as we hiked to the top. On the way up the trail we saw a fresh bear-paw print in the mud. Made me think of one of my favorite children's stories BLUEBERRIES FOR SAL by Robert McCloskey. This picture is a view of Long Lake taken from my "writing place" on the screened-in porch of the Smucker cottage near Traverse City, Michigan. "The Cottage" has been in my husband's family for fifty years. At the end of beautiful Long Lake Peninsula, it's a great place to visit with our Smucker relatives. This is about Golden Delicious: A Cinderella Apple Story, my newest book. This detail sheet was released by the publisher in fall of 2008. |
April 2017
Anna Smucker
My blog used to live at blogspot, but I've integrated it into my new site. I am an author and presenter. Thanks for visiting! Categories