I'm eagerly anticipating apple season. Are you? My story, Golden Delicious: A Cinderella Apple Story has inspired a bushel :) of creative people to create activities around the book when they read it aloud to children.
Here are some neat examples I found of activities to do to encourage fun learning/teaching moments with my Golden Delicious Book:
Art Activity Idea From the WVU Extension Service: Campers will hear the story of the Golden Delicious apple, snack on Golden Delicious Apples and complete artwork that details apple fruit structure. Carve a stamp into an apple.
Math Activity Idea From Scholastic: Purchase a selection of apples (including Golden Delicious) to have a taste testing and graph the results (favorites, sweetest, tartest, etc). Invite a neighboring class or two and compare their graph results. Bon appetit!
Cultural Activity Idea from Pinterest: Compare this Cinderella Story to other Cinderella Stories from around the world and from other periods of time.
Nutrition Activity from Healthy Choices: Use the book to encourage healthy eating in kids! Golden Delicious apples are the loveliest and sweetest.
Thanks for reading and please submit your own ideas in the comments section. I'll add them to the list.